
ECRS Bursary for Students Aspiring to Become Teachers

The Ebenezer Canadian Reformed School board has established a bursary program for teachers in training in an effort to encourage young men and women to go into education.

Details: The ECRS bursary program sets aside $5,000 per year for student(s) enrolling in a post-secondary education program or, who while attending a post-secondary program are now considering the teaching profession. Applicants can apply for some or this entire amount each year that he/she is actively enrolled. A committee will assess applications and also determine the award amounts per applicant.

Some further information for applicants:

  1. Those who are awarded the bursary in their third or fourth year of post secondary must visit Smithers during the ECRS school year for a minimum of 5 SCHOOL days. This visit must include a weekend to check out Smithers and the local churches, and occur either in the year the bursary is awarded or in the following school year. Having arranged and completed this visit with the school is a condition for those wishing to re-apply for this bursary. The purpose of the visit would be to spend time in the classroom at ECRS and also to have an opportunity to check out Smithers and the local Reformed churches in the area. The committee will try to help offset the travel and associated costs for out of town recipients but cannot guarantee that.
  2. Those who have been awarded the bursary and have visited the school do not need to visit the school a second time unless they want to.
  3. Applicants need not be from Smithers.
  4. Applicants must be members of the Canadian Reformed Church or sister church.
  5. There is no requirement to commit to teaching at ECRS because we wouldn’t know if there will be a teaching position available when you are ready and hiring is a Board decision, not a decision made by a committee granting the bursary.

Application forms are available online or sent to those who request one from the ECRS secretary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  The application deadline is May 15, 2024.